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Images in this gallery are available for purchase and download as screensavers for use on mobile devices and computers. They are formatted 16:9 which is the pixel ratio of most cell phone and computer screen. File size is about 1 Mb on each so they should show up - beautifully!

If your device has a greatly different screen format or is ultra-high resolution and these do not look to your satisfaction, contact me after purchasing and I will adjust for you either the dimensions, resolution or both as needed.
"Burgess River Canvas"Cloud formations - Missouri"And God Spoke to the Scotsman"Honeydew Melon"Blue Valleys V""Sign of the Cross""Spiderweb Jewels"Sunset on Loch Linnhe - ScotlandBlue Ammonite VAmerican flagAmtrak 1Blue earring patternsAmmonite Pattern 5Cloud Patterns 1Intermixing Magenta 1Raku Patterns 1Clay impression of a nautilus shellIntermixing Light Blue 1Waterfall in North Carolina"Enchanted Valley"